With Facebook’s new rebranding, we have not stopped hearing everything there is to know about META. These last few months, the world started a journey all the way up to the metaverse. But, what does it mean? As Facebook’s creator recently presented, Meta entails different technologies that will unite online user experiences, in which we will no longer just interact with the online world but live through it!
You may be wondering… How does this hybrid between virtual reality and the physical world relate to my business and brand? As far as this may seem, you should definitely start getting ready to make that jump.
Why? Let’s remember, one of Meta’s main goals is to build technologies that help people connect, find communities and grow businesses. Let’s focus on that last one, “grow businesses”. We may not know exactly how this environment will develop yet, however, we do trust that Meta is the biggest upcoming opportunity for your business to grow!
We’ve already been given a small taste of how online communities have grown; the fast transitioning from retail to online was something that businesses endured during the pandemic; yet, Meta is here to change the game even more and for good.
In simpler words, imagine Meta as a way to connect your best people, your products, your business, in one single place!
After reflecting on the news, we debated… Is this something AdCentral will evolve into? The answer will always be: YES!
Considering all the up coming changes, we’ve set up that growing your online community is more important than ever. That’s how we ended up creating and releasing our feature Facebook LikeCounter for all of our subscribers. Learn more about it here.
Usually, in a retail setting, customers come and go. They might visit your store after investing X amount on creating that lead, to never see it again. That is why we thought of our Facebook Like Counter. Our counter, while simple in concept, creates an opportunity for your retail customers to like your Facebook page, so when they leave, you can add them to your audience! An audience you will be able to talk to and communicate with on a regular basis!
However, we realize there’s more to do!
We understand that the road is long but exciting and inevitable; so, to achieve our main goal (which is to help businesses grow) not only would our app have to change and thrive, but with our help, our community of subscribers would too!
For now, we aim to focus on how we can help you take the first steps into the Metaverse. What better and more fun way to do it than converting your in-store visitor into fans? Start by building a solid audience as the Metaverse gets closer; that way you can start creating a loyal community to interact within every universe. Supreeeme!
Stay tuned to hear more about features that will make your brand grow. As always, we truly thank you for supporting us and being a part of the AdCentral family!
‘Till next time! 😉