· Multiple Store creation
At AdCentral you will now be able to create multiple stores at the time of login. We have streamlined the process to where you can even import a list of stores from a CSV file! This will help you get up and running multiple stores at a time. Soon, our platform will be making more changes to help multi-store owners manage the content more efficiently.
· Multi-industry is coming soon!
AdCentral is getting ready to launch multi-industry products very soon. This is good because more users will help our platform to be more stable. Also, you will be able to tell more friends and family about us!
If you are a business that is interested in AdCentral, sign up with us to receive the latest news. We might just have a surprise for you!
Stay tuned to hear more about new features that automate your marketing. As always, thank you so much for being part of the AdCentral family!